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Dear Families,
Today I start the newsletter with congratulations to all the Grade 5/6 students
who worked at creating a mini fete to raise funds for those who are more
needy than themselves.
The children have been learning about Catholic Social Justice Teaching. There
are 7 main themes that all the children in Grades 3-6 have been learning
Life and Dignity of the Human Person
Call to Family, Community, and Participation
Rights and Responsibilities
Preferential Option for the Poor
The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
Care for God’s Creation
Adding to the Social Justice focus for the month of October and moving into the
Advent season the Social Justice team “Mini Vinnies” gathered with Lumin
Christi Churchill and St. Josephs Trafalgar on Thursday to plan options for raising
money for “good works” during the Advent season at our school.
The day retreat supported all the aspects of Catholic Social Justice Teaching and
the work of St. Vincent de Paul in our community. The students networked with
their fellow peers from other schools, making new friends and sorting through
economic challenges through games and workshop activities. The St. Vincent de
Paul society provided the shared lunch, and their staff ran the session for the
All the schools prepared a presentation for sharing with each other. They all
learn valuable information generated from the Catholic Social Justice Themes
and each other’s school.
We look forward to hosting this day again next year.
Inverloch Water Safety Day
On Monday the 13 th the Grade 5/6 students spent the day at the beach in
Inverloch learning about water safety. The children who attended embraced the
day and while the water was a bit cold (so I’m told) the weather held out and
the students had the full attention of the lifeguards. Sun protection, beach
injury, the danger of rips, safety measures and rescues were all taught along
with fun beach games.
Mission Month
October is Mission month in the Catholic calendar. We have, in the past had the
social justice team run activities around the “Socktober” fund raising
suggestions. This year the Grade 5/6 students led the fund raising “Journey” by
holding a mini fete. The whole school was invited to spend silver coins only at
the fete which had games and challenges where you could win prizes. The Grade
5/6 students were invited to supply small lollies and toys as their donations
towards the fundraising venture. (This was keenly sponsored by some.) The
students from all homerooms were delighted with the event and many Grade
3/4 s were querying about next year’s plans and if they were going to be able to
create a stall to raise funds.
Well done to all Grade 5/6 and the teachers who assisted them with their
Social Media
Again, I draw your attention to your children on social media. There have been
several reports given to me that some of our senior students are continuing to
interact on platforms designed for people well above their age. I ask all parents
who allow their children on social media platforms to regularly access their
child’s platforms and frequently discuss with the consequences of their
actions. Please look at the guide in the newsletter with age-appropriate use on
Icy poles
The Social Justice Team are selling icy poles every Tuesday and Thursday. 50c
an icy pole on Tuesday and Thursday. Proceeds go to Catholic Mission and the
Mini Vinnies group.
School uniform
I thank you all for your continued commitment to Sacred Heart. We will
continue with random uniform checks. Please ensure to send your child with a
note (email to teachers- I ask that adults explain this) if they are out of
uniform. We understand wet socks and muddy shoes and not yet dry jumpers
on occasion.
In following weeks parents may receive a ping on their SIMON everywhere app
if their child is in the incorrect uniform.
Socks should also have no branding unless it is the Sacred Heart brand, socks
can be white, black or green.
Communicating with teachers
At Sacred Heart we invest in the partnership we have with families. We invite
all parents and carers to communicate with teachers about any concern you
may have regarding your child’s education. If there is a concern brought to
your attention, please let us know so we can work together to improve
learning outcomes. Email is an efficient way to communicate.
Junior teachers
Mrs. Erin Larkins
Ms. Barton
Ms. Mancarella
Senior Teachers
Mrs. Inchincoli
Mrs. Robb
Mrs. Trotman
Mrs. Martin
Absence at school
If your child is unwell for an extended period, we are required to ask for a
medical certificate. If you are taking your child for a holiday or have a family
event for any period of time, we must have written notification. This can be via
email or the SIMON everywhere app. Attending school is compulsory, and we
are required by law to record daily attendances. The department of education
standard for school attendance is 90% any lower than this can impact your
child’s learning.
Please enjoy the blessings of your children over the weekend,
God Bless,
Anne-Marie Robb
NOVEMBER 2023 | |
Thursday 23rd | Aboriginal families afternoon tea |
Friday 24th | Little Learners 9am - 10:45am |
Monday 27th | Christmas raffle tickets to go home to families |
Thursday 30th | Whole school excursion |
DECEMBER 2023 | |
Friday 1st | Little Learners 9am - 10:45am |
Wednesday 6th | Christmas dress-up day - bring a donation for raffle prizes |
Friday 8th | Grade 6 Kurnai transition day |
Whole school End of Year Mass | |
Monday 11th | Grade 6 Kurnai transition |
Tuesday 12th | State wide transition day |
Wednesday 13th | Senior STEM excursion - Sale Gallery |
Thursday 14th | Grade 6 Graduation |
Friday 15th | Grade 6 day out |
Monday 18th | Last day of Term 4 - 1pm Finish |
This week the ⅚’s went to the Inverloch beach for an open water excursion and they all enjoyed themselves.
This week we also had our ⅚ fete and all the students went home with some treats and we raised over $100 dollars for Catholic Missions.
Our Social Justice team participated in the mini vinnie’s with St. Josephs and Lumen Christi. Everyone had a fun time socialising with the other schools in the activities and talking about what we do as a school community.
We are now having Little Learners come in and prepare for next year as a prep student!

Saxton Stephens | Making an excellent effort to learn our performance song |
Alice Byrne | Being respectful and following instructions |
Elijah Baker | Being so resilient with all his learning and putting in so much effort |
Hunter Maximiw | Persisting with classroom tasks |
Erin White | Always helpiing out when asked |
Darcy Jones | Showing his enthusiasm for learning about and identifying root and base words |
Xavier Masut | The respectful way he speaks to people in the classroom and follows instructions respectfully |
Jesse McCoubrey | Showing improvement in persuasive writing |
Jenna Wilson | For being a caring friend |