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Dear Families,
With such a short week it seems like only yesterday that I was writing the last newsletter.
Our Socktober day was a great way to give our students an understanding of people who live in a world with much fewer resources than we have. The children made soccer balls out of clean old socks and other recycled materials and then played games just as the children in Ethiopia. We are supporting a village to create a sustainable goat raising farm. This focus directly links to the RE curriculum as part of our Catholic Life and Social Teaching.
I ask that you keep all those who are currently being affected by the flooding waters in your prayers. Our own local community has had incidents where water has become a challenge in driveways, roads and some houses. It did also hamper the work on the running track over the weekend, however we have managed to get enough work done to have the excavated section ready for the working bee this evening.
I am grateful to the families who have offered to help tonight, we have a small but robust band of offerings and are keen to make the running track our focus.
We have had occasional requests from families to give hot water for noodles. These requests have become more frequent. More children in the junior area are bringing the noodle cups in asking for the hot water at lunch. We are unable to give boiling water to the children and ask that, if you would like your child to have noodles for lunch, that they bring it in a small thermos flask at an appropriate temperature.
God Bless, you all and have a lovely weekend,
Anne-Marie Robb
Hello parents and students,
We hope you have had a wonderful long weekend. Welcome back, we have all settled in beautifully.
This morning grades 3-6 went to mass to learn more about the good Samaritan.
Last Friday was National Teachers Day, the leadership team decided to make some special awards for all staff members to show our appreciation towards them.
Thank you to our teachers.
During October we have been raising money to support vulnerable children in Ethiopia who are facing malnutrition and food insecurity. Students have been exploring the Catholic Social Teaching areas of the RE curriculum, recognising our call to work for peace, justice and the common good of society. Catholic Mission will use the money to support communities in Ethiopia in sustaining a goat raising farm.
We have raised $121-60 from Silly Sock Day and our Icy Pole sales and this money will be donated to Catholic Mission. Icy pole sales will continue for the term on Tuesday and Thursday's and this money will also be donated to Catholic Mission.

Last Friday students and teachers came to school displaying an array of colourful socks in support of the Catholic Mission.

Friday 4th | Little Learner's Transition Program 9am - 1pm |
Grade 3-6 Mass 9:15am Sacred Heart Church | |
After School Working Bee - 3:15pm- 6:00pm sausage sizzle tea | |
Wednesday 9th | Cricket Blast & PE Netball Clinic |
Friday 11th | Remembrance Day |
Little Learner's Transition Program 9am - 1pm | |
Senior Grades - Werribee Zoo Excursion | |
Wednesday 16th | Cricket Blast and PE Netball Clinic |
Thursday 17th | First Nation's Cultural Afternoon Tea 2pm - 3pm |
Friday 18th | Little Learner's Transition Program 9am - 1pm |
Whole School Mass at Sacred Heart Church 9.15am for Grandparents. | |
Grandparents Morning | |
Friday 25th | Little Learner's Transition Program 9am - 1pm |
Thursday 1st | Grade 3/4 Yallambee School Camp |
Friday 2nd | Grade 3/4 Yallambee School Camp |
Little Learner's Transition Program 9am - 1pm | |
Monday 5th | Grade Foundation - Grade 6 Swimming Lessons |
Tuesday 6th | Grade Foundation - Grade 6 Swimming Lessons |
Wednesday 7th | Grade Foundation - Grade 6 Swimming Lessons |
Grade 6 Lavalla Orientation | |
Thursday 8th | Grade Foundation - Grade 6 Swimming Lessons |
Friday 9th | Grade Foundation - Grade 6 Swimming Lessons |
School Reports sent home | |
Little Learner's Transition Program 9am - 1pm | |
Monday 12th | Grade 6 Transition - Kurnai |
Tuesday 13th | State-wide Transition Day Christmas Carol Concert 5.30pm - 7.00pm |
Wednesday 14th | Grade 6 - Day Out Graduation Mass 5.30pm |
Friday 16th | Students Finish Term 4 - 3pm |
Monday 19th | Our Patch to provide care - dependant on numbers |
Tuesday 20th | Our Patch to provide care - dependant on numbers |
Saver Plus is a great resource for families saving for school costs. Build your financial confidence, find out about community resources, and get up to $500 for education costs.
Join one of the information session held over the next three weeks. Dates: Six sessions available. Wednesday 2nd, 9th & 16th of November 2022 at 11am & 7:00pm. Click on the link below to register for one of the sessions.
The Morwell Bowling club are running a Junior Lawn Bowls Academy