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Dear Parents and Carers,
I was starting this newsletter with …Welcome to Term 3… that statement now seems a little difficult to use as an opening line. While we have begun the term with excitement around the Olympics and our new big idea “Choices”. We are still feeling the challenge of the current pandemic which will continue to be a difficult space for us all.
Our study this term has already inspired our students with learning around athletes, sporting disciplines and life choices. The children are geared up to embrace the wonderful things they will discover.
Adding to the learning space our tutoring program funded by the Victorian government will commence. Parents will be contacted by one of the teachers or teaching tutors over the next few weeks if your child is involved in the program. This will give you the opportunity to ask what aspect of learning that will be pin pointed at your child point of need.
Many exciting activities and events are booked into the calendar for the term. We know all of these plans are subject to COVID restrictions…
1st Eucharist- If your child is in Grade 4 or above, has received the sacrament of reconciliation and you would like them to receive the sacrament of 1st Eucharist, please ask at the office for the information sheet with times and dates.
Workshop 1
Wednesday 28th July Sacred Heart 5pm
Thursday 29th July Lumen Christi 5pm
Workshop 2:
Wednesday 11th August Lumen Christi 5pm
Thursday 12th August Sacred Heart 5pm
Saturday 28th August at Lumen Christi 5pm
Sunday 29th August at Sacred Heart 10.30am
“Midwinter Prayers” - Wednesday 4th August- This is for families of children in Foundation to Grade 2. Families are invited to come to school – children in their pyjamas- to take part in an active prayers for children session, this includes games and a candle procession in the dark to the church and then a shared hot food tea.
Paddock to Plate activity - Foundation to Grade 2 will attend a Paddock to Plate activity - this is still in negotiation and more information will be shared shortly- date and venue TBA
Activity Challenge excursion – Grades 3-6 This is also being planned with currently several options being considered.
Book Week dress up day- The whole school will have the opportunity to dress up as a Book Week character on Wednesday 18th August. To assist us in the celebration we have a live interactive show with Leigh Hobbs the author of “Old Tom” and “Mr. Chicken”. The children will have Leigh guide them through how to draw book characters in his distinctive cartoon style.
Grade 6 retreat evening –September 2nd Grade Sixes will be sharing their learning and aspects of their personal growth with their parents and significant other people in their life in an evening where they create a meal and share it with their guests.
Grade 3/4 Camp- Camp Allambee 13th -14th September- where the Choices theme will continue focussed on personal and team challenges
Grade sixes will also be visiting preschool venues the dates for this is to be advised.
It is busy this term but exciting and fun.
Please send in your intention for onsite learning for Monday and Tuesday next week. The forms will be available to take home and return.
Please keep in your prayers the families of those who have recently lost a loved one. I have heard of families who have lost loved ones over the holidays and am mindful of the current stress in our lives with COVID that the pain and disconnection in life is amplified.
Blessing s to all,
Anne-Marie Robb
Our welcome back to school has been short lived with another Covid-19 lock down, but we hope you all managed a nice holiday break and look forward to more positive learning together throughout Term 3.

The last week of Term 2 saw the Grade 5/6 students being able to enjoy a fabulous three day camp at Waratah Beach Camp.
Many skills were gained as they met the challengers presented to them through numerous obstacle courses.
Time spent on the beach was another enjoyable experience shared by all.
The students arrived back tired and some a little woozy from the bus trip, but the fun experience and memories created will stay with them for a long time.
Here is an article written by Denzel:-
JULY | |
Wednesday 28th | Eucharist Workshop 5pm-6pm @ Sacred Heart |
Thursday 29th July | Eucharist Workshop 5pm-6pm @ Lumen Christi |
Wednesday 4th | Midwinter Prayers |
Sunday 8th | Feast day Mary McKillop |
Wednesday 11th August | Eucharist Workshop 5pm-6pm @ Sacred Heart |
Thursday 12th | Eucharist Workshop 5pm-6pm @ Lumen Christi |
Wednesday 18th | Book week parade |
Friday 27th | School Closure Day |
Saturday 28th | Mass at Lumen Christ 5pm |
Sunday 29th | Holy Eucharist - Sacred Heart 10.30 |
Thursday 2nd | Grade 6 Retreat Evening. |
Monday 13th/Tuesday 14th | Grade 3/4 School Camp - Camp Allambee |
Thursday 16th | End of Term 3 - 3pm |
Friday 17th | Student Fee Day |
Sunday 3rd | Day Light Savings Commences |
Monday 4th | Commencement Term 4 |
LA Takeaway are again offering their service to deliver hot lunch orders every Friday.
Order forms will be given out at the beginning of each week and will need to returned to the school for collection by Thursday morning. Please ensure the correct money is enclosed and a name and class is written on the form.
Due to Covid-19 lock down. The hot lunch orders due today will be held off and delivered next Friday.
Bev Noonan is the co-ordinator of The Gatherers. This Craft Group come together and produce items for the under privledge. This winter they are asking for donations of wool, or a monetory donation to enable them to purchase wool.
Please see attached flyers.